Re: NAND Testing - 05-25 Update: New LK, Recovery.img, Kernel Updates through Recover
Ok, so I decided I was going to give NAND a try. Got to the flash the recovery and it worked. But I couldn't get to recovery on the reboot. Kept going automatically to fastboot. So I said screw it and went into the rainbow bootloader and flashed a rom. No problems. It was a custom rom. Now I am returning my phone for a new one and need to go stock. No problem, flash ruu from site. No bueno. It will not go past white HTC screen. If I go back into rainbow bootloader and flash a custom rom, it works just fine. But I need stock. And yes I tried dumping the stock rom and rebuilding just by chance it would work and it doesn't. I have used 3 different RUUs all being different versions. I can usually figure this stuff out by playing with it for awhile but not today. I have spent all day on this trying to figure it out before posting. Thanks for any help with this
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