Touchlockpro 2.12.9
Zuinige Rijder TouchLockPro
Really pretty intense settings... especially messing with battclock,.. now built in to TLP if you turn on.
The purpose? I want to be able to hit the top power key at the start of a call & know that there is NOTHING that will interrupt that call... until I hit the power key again...
PROXIMITY SENSOR / LIGHT SENSOR shut off... Was really sick of phone coming slightly off my ear &/or light getting to it, turning on phone during a phone call, my ear would always navigate screen & turn on airplane mode... PIA
Here's the settings (only listing stuff I checked)
Light sensor: ck'd= Use light sensor (I had this unchecked but I do like it to go off on short calls also, without having to hit power button, So it's checked)
Stylus sensor (nothing)
GSensor (nothing)
Nav Sensor: ck 2, 3, 4
Proximity sensor: nothing
Keyboard: only EnableInputAtSuspend
battclock: above took a couple hours of testing & rebooting, battclock another 1 or 2.. lol let me know if you want my settings for that also.
Telephone API: UseTAPI, InCallTweak (only those 2)
Software Input Panel: set 1st 2 to Swype.
Other Settings: SuspenOnBacklightOff
MY WIFE HAS SPB ON HERS (no win7 mskip mods anymore) Went to show her the difference of how the phone acted in a call & that by simply moving finger over sensor (located between the top left "C" in htc & your led light), caused the phone to come out of sleep... HERS WORKED CORRECTLY!! So, guessing SPB knows about the problem & built in a fix?!
Attached are the screenshots of my ROM saved as jpg (actually simply renamed), the last set are jpeg... much smaller.
So what? What's different? I'm not using IPT or SPB, but have gone retro.. :>)) As stated last page it's the standard Energy ROM with a few mods... my dream phone transparency 4 files, R2... & tjW.... LOVE IT
A simple finger flip up & have the same thing as had in IPT, small clickable icons. But also have the task & softkey transparent bars like cookie ROMs get... without all the mystery Cookie related issues, disappearing icons, problems, bloat, LESS RAM use, etc..
jpg files