Based off 2.08.651.2 Android 2.3.4
and im back! This time with a sense rom to hold us all over until we can get some aosp goodness ready for our phones.
Video Review Thanks D/\SH!
Zues mods for e3d. See Mods below. - Thanks virus, ziggy, and Ihtfp69 for initial code.
Removed MyReportAgent.apk.
Transparent Rosie. Thanks SteelH.
Transparent Notification pull down.
New gps icon which is only present when communicating with sats.
Crt Animations.
Enabled Unlimited browser windows.
Removed MMS compression.
Added backup to messaging app. Thanks SteelH.
Added Secure box to messaging app. Thanks SteelH.
Added SprintZone for *2 etc.
Updated EPST to latest ota.
Updated Android Wifi Tether to v3.1-beta5.
Added reboot menu. Thanks SteelH.
Fully Rooted with busybox.
Rom is now Deodexed and Zipaligned.
Enabled HW video acceleration
Added Spare Parts. Thanks SteelH.
Added DSP Manager. Thanks SteelH.
Added GTalk with Video.
Hotspot unlocked.
Added panorama & HDR to camera. Thanks JoelZ9614
Added 3D homescreen to Settings/Display. Thanks JoelZ9614
USB tethering working.
Added stock gingerbread keyboard.
Added overscroll glow.
Added hidden quicksettings.
Removed GPS icon when not in use.
Removed usb debugging icon.
Removed Sprint Bootup & Shutdown Animations.
Disabled HTC Software update. Thanks freeza.
Removed CIQ.
Removed recent apps from notification pulldown.
Removed Bloat:
Magicsmoke Wallpapers
Sprint Radio
HTC Hub and widget
HTC Likes and widget.
Footprints and widget.
Sprint bootup and shutdown animations.
Sprint annoying sounds.
Not working:
*!* By downloading any files, ROMs, and or apks, you verify that you have the appropriate licenses for all software contained within *!*
l assume no responsibility for any damage you may cause to your phone.
[center]Before flashing your phone, please make sure you are completely rooted.
For information about
rooting, please go to:
[GUIDE] Root Your EVO 3D: a step-by-step for the average user [v1.0t] - xda-developers
Special Thanks to: Mattsm, CyanogenMod Team, and Team Win, preludedrew and evervolv team, which helped me tremendously get my feet off he ground with android. And the originals, Calkulin, No2Chem, GGuruUSA, Colonel00, Conflipper, AstainHellbring, LennySH, NexVision, CLHatch, Chainfire, JooJooBee666, and Polargoat for putting up with me for many years and always helping me out. Don't let me forget PsWii60 as well for you know what
Donations are VERY much appreciated.

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For updates, news, and my gibber jabber, please follow me @Kushdeck on twitter..
We now have an irc channel. Please join us @ #dev-host on freenode..
*New Downloads*
Please help support your dev, check out our site's sponsors. Thanks.
gbsense aosp taskbar.
gbsense sense taskbar. (if you want to return)
Beats Audio Mod (included in 1.0) Thanks SteelH.
*more to come...
*Official thread and ALL Downloads*
*Install Instructions*
1. Reboot into recovery. I use Teamwin's recovery.
2. *optional* make a nandroid backup.
3. Wipe Everything.
4. Flash
5a. Flash Kernel *if you are using a custom kernel as Netarchy's*
7. Reboot.
8. Enjoy your e3d!