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Old 07-30-2011, 11:23 PM
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[mod] no clock in the taskbar

original post here. they way they had to install it didnt work and messed things up bad. whole taskbar disappeared.I took omjs way to install the battery % and tried it with this worked perfect. so do whats below.

6 simple steps.....

1. copy systemUI.apk to your sdk\tools folder

2. C:\Users\Ken>cd c:\sdk\tools (or wherever your sdk\tools is)

3. c:\SDK\tools>adb reboot recovery

4. c:\SDK\tools>adb shell mount /system

5. c:\SDK\tools>adb push systemUI.apk /system/app/SystemUI.apk

6. c:\SDK\tools>adb reboot
Attached Files
File Type: apk SystemUI.apk (612.5 KB, 44 views) Click for barcode!

Sprint EVO 3Dâ„¢ Rom:Kaos Hybrid 4.20 V8 Radio: 0.97 Storage Card: Micro 32GB SDHC

Last edited by kaos; 07-31-2011 at 12:11 AM.
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