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Old 07-30-2011, 09:11 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Return to stock 1.13.651.7

Originally Posted by Chuck_IV View Post
Ahh, my mistake then. I was reading over at XDA that reflashing stock won't actually set S-ON, that you would have to do a special fastboot command that sets S-ON.

Now that I'm thinking of it, if I wanted to go back to the state I'm in now(rooted but stock ROM) could I just restore from TWRP(I've already made backup with the nandroid part).

Sorry I'm an android n00b. I've been on winmo for quite a while(even cooking my own ROMS) so all this android stuff is still a bit foreign to me.
Yeah, just use the back up unless you need to go into panic mode.

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