Re: Simple Guide FRX07!!, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): XDANDROID TP2 DL links
Now I'm getting sick of Angry birds...
My feelings or appreciation or OpenGLES has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I DL a stock full build frx07, unzip, run it (Angry Birds) on my TP2 & it works fine... every time! If someone wants to say that game won't work ever due to xxxxx... & we don't have it... aaahhhmmmm well, yea... it works fine on mine & I must not have it either...
Each & every time... Perhaps we should poll the people that it doesn't work on & see who's running an Energy ROM to start with & who's not... WAG, but... perhaps just like quickgps windows affects the droid side... perhaps something NRG is putting in his ROMs is effecting the Droid side gaming? long shot..
timewaster... I just can't help strongly feeling you are simply blowing off steps & determining them as not necessary..
How many SD cards do you have? What sizes? How many have you formatted witht he tool in either my post 1, arrrghhhs, or in the xdandroid site link? What class are they? How many times have you DL'd the frx07 build? Which one/s? What are you using to unzip? I really like 7zip.
Seems like a couple of you are way too much into the fine points, (like worrying about weather a android directory is built) & not simply sitting down with 3 $5 SD cards & RENAMING YOUR \windows\startup directory, rebooting & running haret RIGHT AWAY, not doing ANYTHING on the windows side. I can drive over to Microcenter & buy 4x4gig's for $20 & be back & run it on each in less than an hour.
Sorry, man but it just seems like you keep having issues with one particular beach, try a different lake.
If you can provide arrrghhh with logs, *edit* (not for game issues, only if you can't get xdandroid running) or me with lots of details about your ppc (starting with if you even own a TP2, as you still have mogul in your info..)
All of the above plus... are you unlocked? Which ROM? What page pool (should have absolutely nothing to do with it...) Cookie? Using Sense? How much RAM do you have prior to booting into Android. What Overclocking are you using on the Windows side? etc.. etc..
Only other thing I can think of is that I'm using one old class 6 SD & one new class 10, on 2 different TP2's & both work fine, both on frx07, both run Angry Birds just fine.
Both may be much faster than a class 2 & long shot.. the difference.. ??
So, you guys may also want to post up what size & class Micro SD.
IF you are one of the few having issues: Simple troubleshooting tip: When you get it running on a different / new SD (which is what I did), then delete all the droid crap off the one you want to use with Windows stuff also (all my stuff is on one SD including windows cabs, programs, music, XDandroid...)... and copy the build from the working SD to your usual day to day SD & see if it works.
Last edited by teradog; 07-28-2011 at 09:42 AM.