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Old 07-27-2011, 04:49 PM
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Re: Simple Guide FRX07!!, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): XDANDROID TP2 DL links

i've been playing around with FRX07 for a few days now and have the following issues.

1. I get no sound (incoming calls or any apps). I checked all my settings (silent mode is disabled, etc..) and cannot get any sound

2. cannot get a GPS lock (GPS is turned on in settings and light is always orange)

3. speaker phone always seems to be turn on when making/receiving calls. how do you turn it off? I tried hitting the "speaker" button in the phone dialer but nothing happens.

4. none of the games like angry birds seems to run. i get the loading the screen for a few seconds, then it just goes back to the android screen.

would appreciate any help on this.

Last edited by timewaster; 07-27-2011 at 05:06 PM.
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