Originally Posted by BlackDynamite
It's certainly not faster at receiving updates, lol.
Samsung actually updates quite often..the bigger problem is the carrier upgrade speed..If carriers don't do customization this time around the upgrade speed would improve tremendously..
Though at same time its kinda works out in a different way..for example Epic took longer to get Froyo, but when it got it it got 2.2.1 which evo 4g never got...Evo got gingerbread first but got 2.3.3 while Epic is going to get gingerbread with 2.3.4 soon. (To my knowledge Evo did not get official 2.3.4 yet..I "think")
But ill tell you this Samsung stuff definitely root faster...
It's not faster at recording 3D videos either.
um..so...if 3d is important to you that is understandable..but most people are fine either way...