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Old 07-22-2011, 10:15 PM
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US Cellular version on Tmobile, Full funcionality?

Ok, I purchased a US cellular version of TP2 thinking it was a GSM phone because the person said he'd bee using it on ATT, and Tmobile. Fortunately when I was searching for roms I seen that GSM flashing will brick the phone.

Right now I just have the unlimited text plan for $15/month. Which on Tmobile also gives you unlimited email and IM, such as MSN. I want to make sure I have this funcion as I use the MSN to chat with friends in South America.

Flashing here is a little different from last year when I flashed GSM on XDA. I will read the flash Hardspl threads more in the coming days. For now I'm looking for guidance how to make sure I can use the phone with tmobile and full IM/Email capabilities through tmobĂ*le's text plan and NOT data.

I seen sharks as options built in for selecting carriers. I am still foggy on that part as with tilt 2 in the past it never mattered flashing GSM. But I'll read more on that.

So advice for flashing for Tmobile use...and then also early next year I'll be returning to South America. I use "Tigo" there. Should I expect problems? It is a GSM sevice provider.

Thanks for any help.

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