Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
OK, Thanks again for the insight. My outlook is via my home computer with Office 2003 since I never bothered to upgrade since the local college was still using 2003 the last time I and my wife were needing it.
I have a couple of Hotmail accounts that I've had for years. I guess I really need to get down to business and figure out how to synch the Skydrive up with my contacts, calender, and documents/photos/videos so I can move them over to my Arrive when it gets here tomorrow or Thursday.
I still have most of my stuff loaded on MyPhone but don't know if I can somehow migrate it all over to Skydrive or not.
To the OP. Thanks for letting me sort of hijak this thread instead of starting a new one. Once I get this all figured out, I'll let you have it back.
lol it's cool man as long as it's being helpful and other's are being helpful i dun mind you guys and gals hijacking my thread ..