Originally Posted by cdoyle
I just got my Evo 3d on Thursday, prior to this I had a Sprint Mogul.
The mogul always had full bars at my house, my Evo has 0-1. I've had either dropped calls or the call is so distorted I can't understand what someone is saying.
How can this new phone be so bad at picking up a signal? If my 4 year old Mogul had no problems picking up a signal here, Sprints new top of the line phone should be able too also.
The Sprint Diamond had this issue as well. I "upgraded" from the Vogue/Touch to the Diamond (a newer model) and it couldn't lock onto a signal either. I went back to the Vogue so I don't know if a firmware update ever fixed that issue since that phone only lasted 4-6 hours even though my Vogue lasted all day.