Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
I wonder if the numbers might be skewd a bit since there obviously isn't as many WP7 users out there compared to teh other OS's. Whenever I read surveys like these no matter what the item or product is, I take into account the actual numbers present during the sampling phase.
Anyone Remember the Pinto? One of the most dangerous cars on the highway back in the 70's. When you look at teh numbers, it was one of the biggest selling cars of the era so there were tons of them on the road. There was a design flaw inteh placement of the tank that created a potential fire hazard when rear ended. the same could be said for a number of other vehicles of that time, but since there were so many of those particular vehicles onteh road, that was the vehicle that was vilified.
Just sayin.
Oh, yea, the Pino...heh. A little bump in the rear and BOOM ! Lots of videos on Youtube for that one.
I also would like to see the nubmers but, I guess it all comes down how they were surveyed and how many people.
Here's all the data...
New Survey: Consumer Smart Phones - Apple vs. Google Android
From the site... (just details for this post)
A new ChangeWave survey of 4,163 consumers has taken a fresh look at smart phone demand trends – including mobile OS and smart phone preferences going forward.
The June survey focused on key comparisons between the Apple iOS and Google Android OS – including the impact of Apple’s new iCloud service – along with the latest momentum trends for Motorola and Research in Motion.
We note that this survey focuses primarily on the North American smart phone market – with the sample being 89% U.S. respondents and 11% outside the U.S.
Then the Windows Phone 7 part....
But in an encouraging sign for Microsoft, we continue to see a big difference between the high
Very Satisfied rating for Windows Phone 7 (57%) vs. the much lower rating for Windows Mobile OS (14%). Even so, the higher Windows Phone 7 rating has yet to produce a sustained momentum boost for Microsoft in term of buyer preferences.
It does not say what % of customers had what phone but, numbers look good so far...