Originally Posted by gTen
gmail actually reads your emails to target ads....its not human read..but still...
As for yahoo..they are the biggest mail client..whats wrong that?
I like the new yahoo layout but I just wouldn't use it for my mail. I've seen so many accounts hacked on yahoo and hotmail. And I’ve received the most hijacked mail from yahoo and hotmail. Of course anything can be hacked but gmail has been pretty good so far.
Yes they may scan the emails to target ads (pain in the butt, I agree). Same as Facebook, and I'm sure every other email client. I won’t put my SS# in an email. I never put anything too personal in emails anyway. I say if google start sharing my pictures or other personal information through the search engines then that's when I’ll stop using it and will not place any more personal info on there, pics etc… That's exactly what I did with Facebook, I know they have a database that retains info but I deleted my pictures and won’t use their system again. I just don't like for every other joe nobody on the net to see my pictures/ conversations.
The biggest thing I hate about Facebook the most is that you can’t hide you profile picture. After that it would probably be that if someone sends you an invite they can see your posts even when you haven’t accepted them yet. Now that I think about it I think G+ may have the same Profile picture sharing issue… I must check that out… Bottom line, privacy should be default, public sharing, optional… for any online content.
Sorry for the rant…