Originally Posted by rocky123
ok i also got one as well and heres a nice little plus for those who really don't need it get it wait 1 month now seeing they add a new phone number to your account so you can use the airrave that line gets a phone credit after a couple of weeks so right now i have a 150.00 phone upgrade credit on the airave line wait 2 more weeks tell them your sending it back keep the phone line and get yourself a shiny new evo3d kool
Lol, i tried that little upgrade trick...it doesnt work, and i spent hours trying to use it, eventually account services ended up giving me a full upgrade. HOWEVER, the airrave upgrade eligibility is illusory and when you try and put a phone on that line, the activation system doesnt know what to do with it. I tried at a sprint store, best buy, and over the phone to no avail. Transferring the upgrade to another line doesnt work either.