Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
Just joining this crowd. I don't have my Arrive yet and will be switching over from a TP2. I've got all my contacts in Outlook and use the Windows Mobile Device Center on my WinPro7 desktop. Will my contacts and such sync over or do I need them to switch everything over at the store? I only ask this because the last couple of times before I was able to stop them from doing it with my other TP2's I got, I would always get it home, plug the phone in and end up with double and triple entries that I had to spend hours clearing out.
Now, I just tell them to activate the phone and I'll synch it when I get home.
So Long question, short. Will my system synch my Arrive or do I need to have everything moved over at the store?
u need to create a new live account and then import all ur contacts into that live account. u can do this by setting up a hotmail AS exchange connection via ur tp2 if it still works. here's some instructions on how to do so
Setup your phone to sync your Hotmail inbox, calendar and contacts using ActiveSync
there's also a thread here in the wp7 general of some other ways how to do it. here it is