Originally Posted by deadwrong03
maybe ill sit down and give it a try
a couple questions ive been reading people are having issues receiving MMS message after this update are u able to recieve them?
is the facebook chat working properly?
how will we get the mango official update if we still have the beta?
where do i get the zune 4.8?
1. The fear is wrong, My wife tried to send a Picture message but, it never came through, I called someone else just to double check, and theirs came through fine, it was my wife's iPhoney.
2. Facebook chat I have not tried but, you might have to
1. After upgrade to mango, delete facebook, reboot, then re-add it.
2. Assoiate your Facebook account with your Live account
These are both from XDA and found them wile reading. People say it does work, if not, to try these things.
3. The final MANGO version will come from your carrier, You will need to roll back to NoDO at that time. Note the backup notes I showed there.
Here's how I would do it, listen and follow very carfully, With Zune 4.7 (your current setup) installed, Download that backup progam (I showed above), run it, do a full backup of your phone (about 1/2 hour-1 hour depending on data), make some minor changes on your phone, then restore it as a test. If it comes back fine (99% sure it will) then backup that folder. Then proceed with mango, it will take another backup, keep that one too, then if one fails, you have another, just in case.
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Follow these directions I created...they should help.
Backup your backup before upgrading to 4.8, it could overwrite your backup. Do your backup/test in 4.7, after confirmed working, back it up then upgrade to 4.8 for the rest of it, you can always restore from 4.8 and it will backup again, just want to be sure you have that one, so no need to worry.
Note how many times I say backup, if you make sure you have a backup, at any time you can load your backup and restore within about 25min...