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Old 07-17-2011, 02:07 AM
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Re: Car Mode?

Originally Posted by jj970 View Post
I have had this ROM running for about a month and a half now (didn't update to the 7/2 version), with no issues. 2 days ago, when I turned on the phone, it was in "CAR MODE", but I wasn't in the car and have never used car mode.

Now, every time I plug the mini USB in, it turns on...there is also an icon for CAR MODE in the message bar at the top of the screen. Sometimes it will be in that mode even if it's not plugged in.

Why would it do that? I don't want it ever to be on. Can I disable it?
I would bet its the charger or cable you are using. Do you have access to another charger to try ? The car dock chargers have an extra pin shorted to kick the phone into car mode. Also, check the usb connector on the phone to make sure nothing is in there shorting it out.
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