Originally Posted by great2c4me
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Federal? Sorry, but that's the stupidest thing I've heard all day... If that was the case, then
1. how are peeps using their phones on metro pcs?
2. people were taking their TP2's to other networks, guaranteed... Were those peeps breaking fed law too?
Wait, are an advocate for Sprint? That'd make sense
Ok, I'll start from scratch..
1) for metropcs when you flash your cdma phone, they add your ESN to their table and flash your phone to metropcs (perfectly legal)
2) When you mean taking their TP2s to other networks you mean taking TP2s to boost..that is done once you have a boot account, you can then have them activate your TP2 on the boost plan as the boost plan is equvilant to sprint's old plans (perfectly legal)
Now lets get to the juicy part...your Evo would work on metro pcs yes, but it wont work on boost because Evo does not work on old sprint plans..
the only known way to get an Evo on boost is illegal by federal law..
got it?
P.S I don't work for sprint...the day we can legally use any device on any network would be a dream come true for me..