Originally Posted by arrrghhh
Nice dude. I'm always here to test... you know where to reach me.
It seems to be a panel issue to be honest. Haret still has panel issues, even after WisTilt2's fine tuning - don't get me wrong, it's a heckuva lot better now because of his careful tuning, but still has issues with waking at times. If it's in the middle of collapsing, it seems if you try to wake it there's some sort of race condition or something getting klobbered (panel?  ) and the whole wake process just gets messed up.
It wasn't an issue until the panel was officially collapsed fully - again, thanks to WisTilt2. Before that, the panel always woke quickly because it was never really off/asleep... Oh the irony...
I'm not gonna concentrate on the SODs yet. I want to get it to the point we can go 8hrs with no issues. So improved battlife is my priority. Once we have that i can attack the SODs and all that nonsense.
Funny thing is i'm pretty sure Lmiller had this bad boy running for a while with no charge, i guess something recent broke it. I'll have to check with him again.