Anyone else considering returning their EVO 3D?
I love the big screen on this phone.
I like the speed vs. other Android phones I've tried.
I like the HTC sense.
I hate how fast it goes through the battery.
I hate how long it takes to charge.
I'm frustrated it can't lock onto a signal - never had a problem with my previous HTC Sprint phone. I did have the bad battery life and bad signal problem with the HTC Diamond so I ended up returning the phone. The battery life isn't as bad on the EVO 3D as the Sprint Diamond but it ain't no picnic either.
I've got about 2 more weeks to return it. I may have to get the new Sprint motorola phone and then return that to get the Galaxy SII within 30 days after getting the Motorola - I don't think the Galaxy SII will be available in time otherwise.