Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
was not trying to bash your thread or idea op, i do agree MJ was best though. lol
theres just soooooooo many variables that come into play so if i cook a rom and say its the best out there then its true cause it works best for me.
oh sorry if i came off a lil harsh sounding it is the computer talking typing talk.... lol meaning i def didnt talk offense, figure just to see what was out there in ppl aspect since you guys go thru a lot of ROMS ..... PPC GEEKS has been great to me n others not like the OTHER SITE UHH UMM ... you was right and you answered with your opinion so did i .... and its is backed for certain ppl how batt works so i do appreciate your input it made me think about it differently ........
thanx for your input
) its all love #NOhomo