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Old 03-11-2008, 05:11 PM
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Exclamation Interent Sharing with Ethernet Port

I do not have Broadband internet. I got the Touch because the Internet Sharing option with Sprint PCS if free on my account. I what to share my Sprint EVDO connection with my Xbox360. Heres my setup...

1:HTC Touch in Internet Sharing mode via USB. IPv4: no DG
2:When trying to share connection to Ethernet port Windows want the IPv4 of the Ethernet port to be Windows give this error...
Error 783: Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected as the private network is either not present, or is disconnected from the network. Please ensure that the LAN adapter is connected before enabling Internet Connection Sharing.

I looked up this Error. It states that Windows wants the Ethernet port to be and something else is using that IP already. The Touch uses that IP and I don't know how to change it or change the IP that Windows wants to use. Please Help!