Originally Posted by eric12341
I had no issues with search at all. the features present are much more than just ringtones and isn't cause to move back to NoDo just because they "weren't working" I haven't tried this myself yet because I don't really care about ringtones.
I don't completely understand what you just posted but I think you are saying that you had no issues with search and that there are many more features than ringtones. I think something about not returning to something that works for me?
The fact that you have no issues with search have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with me. Fact is that it is broken on my phone and is a deal breaker. It would be moronic for me to give up something that I use everyday for some other things that I don't even know about or care about. Many of the features aren't taken advantage of by current programs yet.
If this worked flawlessly then it would be released already.