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Old 07-07-2011, 11:21 AM
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Re: Simple Guide 7/7/11, 6 Easy Steps (15 min): ANDROID TP2 DL links, FRX06, GingerBr

Have to laugh... go figure... I always rebuild from bottom, the one time I got lazy & didn't recreate data.img, I get burned.. so yea, it works. (still have to test USB tether) (not BT, 3.5mm, etc.)

I've updated post 1 to indicate findings. The most amazing thing has happened: imho the best build is now xdandoid site & it's links to updates!!!! ALL IN ONE PLACE..

Having said that, we don't have a link to highlandsun's patch he mentioned above... but, wifi hotspot is working without anything extra from carrier (Sprint).

wifi hotspot appears to be a little screwy... takes a couple minutes to show & connect AND, if I turn off & back on again, it reboots TP2.

edit 1: jotting down a couple other items found...
- wifi router/hotspot seems to turn off if phone sleeps, set droid to not sleep if charging
- wifi router/hotspot works both open & with wpa-psk security
still takes a long time for it to show up on wifi list

seems that you have to set it up & then back hard key out one for it to take (either that or after 2 min it went & at same time i was so bored I hit key..>)

USB not working,

XP in Android help, says u need to dl a file to XP box, tetherxp.inf... which I will do next, but says nothing on win7 box... will also read xdandroid faq/wiki on usb to see if I can find anything...
OK, had an old tetherxp.inf in windows dir, from a year ago..?, so replaced it with newer on.

On windows 7 Android help says it works... but not on mine... device mangler says xda dev installed OK when usb connected, & then when hit tether box (ck on) it disapears from storage dev & becomes a dev called simply xda & has a problem.. still working on it.

edit/update #2: USB working

Will update with more later, be happy!

Last edited by teradog; 07-07-2011 at 02:18 PM.
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