It is very important to understand that when you see that your Display is showing up as your top percentage of use, that is very normal.
Basically the display is what is being used the most in contributing to battery drain, which makes sense since the screen is large and depending on whether or not you use auto brightness (I do not recommend by the way) or if you use a nifty "free" program in the market place called Brightness Level that gives you 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% brightness level in two clicks of a home screen icon (I used 25% most often, and then toggle it up if I go outdoors to 100%).
I have found that Display, and then Cell Standby and Phone Idle are always the top three items that are using the most of my battery.
Originally Posted by Touch Pro kid
I've been getting about 6-8hrs with my Evo 3D before I'm down to 10-15% with all settings off. No mobile data or wifi on. When I check to see whats draining my battery its says display 93%. Last night phone was on the charger all night Display says 95% everyone else is 1-2%. Anyone else having this problem? Tried to run spare parts but wouldn't work. Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this. I can literally watch my battery drain 10% in a few minutes.