Originally Posted by scrosler
Thanks Kenn! Glad to see its still runing smooth for you. I'll try to look at Dalvik this weekend but with the Evo 3D in hand... Its just hard to go back ;c)
Oh and how is battery at 800/128 vs pre set speeds? Just curious.
I don't really see a lot of difference in battery performance, really. It's hard to tell if it is any quicker than the your stock 748mhz setup.
Evo 3D... Root is close. Real Close. As soon as root is available, stable, and there are ROMs to try, I'll probably upgrade.
I may wait on the "HTC Kingdom", though, which might just be the Evo 3D sans the 3D part and instead have an 8MP camera and 4" screen. That would rock my socks. We'll see...