Originally Posted by choogle
Anyone notice a problem in the last 2 days or so, the battery on your Touch has been draining super quick? Today it went from freshly charged to 40% in 6 hours. I don't have email set up on it or anything that would do this. I've made 0 calls since I'm at work too so it's pretty much drained 60% battery sitting there doing NOTHING.
I did set my sprint internet connection to be always on via the Advanced Configuration tool but that was 2 weeks ago. My coworker has a Mogul and he says he is seeing something similar but I may have just put the idea in his head
Can there be anything that Sprint is pushing out to my phone that is causing the battery to be drained?
man thats good if you 40% in 6hrs hehe
my phone is always hooked up .. pc with usb // car charger