WooHoo! You guys must be reading my mind. A few days ago my wife comes up to me and tells me that she wants an iPad2. I told her to give me a little time to do some research and I would let her know if that is the best tab to get. I found an extremely in-depth comparison style review of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 vs the iPad2 this morning.
Tablet deathmatch: Galaxy Tab 10.1 vs. iPad 2 | Mobile Technology - InfoWorld
After reading it I was convinced the the author is a big iPad fan and that every kudo he gave the Galaxy tab was done against his will. But he did identify a couple of issues that need to be fixed, such as the lack of a search function and the need for a better keyboard. I said to myself "the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is definitely the way to go, now all I need is the the devs to get on it and make it work like it should", and here you are!
I'll be heading to the store to get one in a couple of weeks. As soon as I do you can bet I'll be loading it up with some Bonsai goodness. Thanks guys!