Another point to make about the home screen is that one shouldn't really spend much time there. Seriously! If you look at the old


T.V. commercials they convey the principle that you're supposed to get in and out of your communication tasks. This really is the case. You click the home screen and whiz right into your next task. No waiting, no need to park there too long and wow yourself at how pretty you made the homescreen or wait till the eye candy loads. It's an effective conduit to give you a short status glance and you're off to execute. A normal individual usually spends time in the actual apps themselves doing something productive. The WP7 homescreen gets you there. Once you get going on it you'll understand the whole logic at why it's designed that way. I've had a wonderous productivity boost because of it!
Getting your SD card changed out with a 32GB isn't too big of a deal. Just follow the awesome documented tutorial by @
pbankey that really rocks. Read the thread.