Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
well i guess you answered your question cause tiles are still there.
I'd love to see HTC go balls out berzerk with their HTC Hubs and do something like Sense/TouchFlo/Manila-like with the tiles or Hubs...
But yea I read somewhere I think that it's against policy for any OEM to change the UI. Or some junk, but thats stupid.
Main reason I hate Tiles is cause to me I think of, microsofts version of the iPhone
SQUARES GALORE LINKED and that's basically what it really is in a nutshell instead of being set in one place unscrollable like iPhone's though.
But the main concern, reason for considering the switch is cause no matter how many hard resets, htc's slide to answer in sense never picks up and answers a call, even disabled it doesn't. That and I'm extremely tired of WinMo's unstability buggieness.