Originally Posted by Musicman247
If you're comfortable with Registry editing you can disable the Cube from Opening with S2U2 open.
Go to HKLM>Software>HTC>Biotouch>Disable4SpecificApp
Create a New Key called "S2U2" then create a String called "ClassName" with a value of "S2U2".
It worked for me, but don't try opening the cube too many times with S2U2 open as it may crash your phone. It did that to me once, the first time I tried. I tried swiping up five or six times and then hit the power button to put the device back to sleep. When I pressed Power again, the screen came back as a colorful fuzzy mess. Soft reset made everything better, though, and it's been working fine since.
Great stuff Musicman! i followed your step by step instructions, and it worked like a charm. It was my first time every messin with my registry. i downloaded total commander and spb backup just in case i messed anything up. Now my phone won't do any accidentally dialing while it is locked. Thanks again guys, you all really do an awesome job!