Originally Posted by vancomycin
Yeah thanks steveo- call waiting was strange issue - yeah for now, phone functionality trumps everything else at the moment as this and sms/calander are my main priorities.... Eventually, I would like to use this phone as a wifi modem to a laptop. Just waiting on Sprint to come out with hopefully an upgrade to a new model outside (maybe Samsung Sg2/photon) the Evo3d this summer - just waiting on whatever the news hype is going to bring by next month. I still need to get an ipod touch for all the medical applications mainly dominating the hospital floors now - apple took that industry despite androids growing medical market. Almost all the physicians are using their iphones/ipads coupled with the hospital systems now. My TP2 really had no chance - android has similar but limited apps - and looks like most hospitals have been porting to apple systems, heck most residency training programs and medical schools are issuing apple related products. That said, can't wait for sprint to come up with their iphone for that so just going to get an ipod and look into a faster android phone for regular use and my TP2 for laptop/wifi.
P.S. what browser is everyone using when responding on their TP2 on this forum? I can never get the reply box to stay "clear" without shading out while trying to type - I would get a few characters in and then it would grey out. I was using the default opera mobile browser that came with stock but I noticed this also when using whatever the browser was with Sharkie's ROM too - typing back from the PC to get this message in.
I use Opera mobile 10 since I can't seem to get fennec to work. Of course, I use opera at home and office to keep everything synced up.