Originally Posted by Maxx134
There's no mysterious keyboard flicker.
It you don't select the keyboard light to be on in settings/phone/buttons,
Then it responds to the light sensor.
At least that's what I experience on this rom..
Thanks for the tip Maxx134!
Going to test this out tomorrow during work (usually when I have the keyboard issue)
vancomycin :: Are you using the Task29 before you flash ROMS? If not, make sure you try that. Also as Maxx134 said it may be an app or the fact you are on 6.5. I am using the latest 6.5.x version and I tested all 3 contact pages I have:
1. From the contacts button on the Home screen,
2. From the contacts tab
3. From All people on the contact tab
All of them go into landscape mode when I pull out the keyboard. Have you tried switching to 6.5.x yet (I apologize if I missed that post)
[EDIT] I also don't have any problems with the incoming call waiting tone, but again I'm using the 6.5.x version
Originally Posted by margaz3
Hey Sharkie, I really like your ROM, but I'm having problems getting my email to work. Any suggestions?
margaz3 :: Can you be more specific? What email account are you using (work/gmail/hotmail/yahoo) and what have you done to set it up? You may want to start your own thread in the
CDMA TP2 Development forum for that issue