Originally Posted by ?GotJazz?
I currently have a heavily modded XV6700 that seems to be having issues, so I'm thinking about moving to an XV6800.
I have a few questions before I "jump", tho:
1) How is the "stock" functionality? I won't be modding it for quite a while (at least, until the dust settles). I may be stuck with a stock phone for at least 6 months.
2) Has Microsoft finally fixed their Bluetooth stack for the XV6800? I have had a bazillion problems with my XV6700 maintaining contact with my Acura TL. Is the XV6800 better, worse, or about the same?
3) How is the battery life/memory size/CPU speed?
As far as connecting to you TL, i have an 05 and till this day is none. Except the 1 min it takes me pairing it after trying custom ROMS. lol im lazy what can i say
, but all jokes aside, youll be very very happy. Ill never go back to that cinder block again lol.