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Old 06-28-2011, 12:58 PM
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Re: [5-5-11][ROM] gingerbread-evo-deck [1.1][Release]

Originally Posted by SouthernEvo View Post
And Let me guess you have an unusually high "Android System" usage showing on your screen . Wait till you make a phone call it will spike even higher the longer the call . Im suspecting there is something not right with the sensors . It seems each newer variation of GB it progressively gets more so . I noticed it early on Salvage Mod's GB as well as R2Droid's OMGB build as well . The later of the two does not give you access to spare parts sensor usage screens . Like previously stated in an earlier post I can make a 45 min phone call and my android system is sitting at 89+% . I was told this is normal , oddly enough I have seen other phones running aosp (Nexus S) that after making a phone call Android system usage does not spike that high . Unfortunatley I checked logcat and was not able to find any errors in the system . But I firmly believe the issue is in the sensors or the drivers for the sensors or how the os manages the sensors .
Seems like it CM7 (which this rom is based on) has similar issues. I seem to get this in version 1.2, whereas I don't recall this happening in the pre 1.0 versions of deck. I might nandroid back to see. I recall getting 14 hours easily on those pre 1.0 versions.

Battery drain Android System - Please help? - CyanogenMod Forum - Page 2
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