Wanted to let the PPCgeekers know about the first Bonsai ROM release for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
This release is an entry point for getting your tablet on a Bonsai managed OS configuration and install process. Our next order of business will be to make the rooting process dirt simple so that we can get broad adoption of the Bonsai goodness on this tablet.
The most noticable change in this ROM will be performance. There is already some great kernel development work being done by @
pershoot and @
supercurio. We've pulled those changes into Bonsai along with the tuning knowledge we have gained from working with the Epic and have a first release that has about doubled Quadrant scores (standard disclaimers on Quadrant apply). See quadrant screenshots in the Bonsai thread:
Bonsai ROM available for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 | Bonsai for Android
Some of the features of this release include:
- Android Kernel updated to v2.6.36.4
- Overclockable kernel
- Kernel module support for tun, cifs, aufs, ntfs, bluetooth mouse, xbox joystick
- Voodoo Sound v9 (first release for Galaxy Tab 10.1)
- init.d initialization script support
- Ext4 filesystems can be configured without journaling enabled
- New ROM packaging and install reduces package size by 20%
We'll be working over the coming weeks to produce a simple rooting/unlocking method so that anyone can take advantage of these releases.
BTW, you can follow us on Twitter
@bonsaiGeek to get announcements of releases, etc