Re: 06.26.11.TeamXRON Speedy Port RC1
Hi Vin, so far the only thing I noticed has been 4g issues, coming on and off for some reason. will run a speed test, get great speeds, then surf the web a little, and it will turn off switch back to 3g then back to 4g again. Haven't seen this before since I'm sitting in a solid 4g area. I tried updating profile but it didnt fix it. Maybe its the network so I will try again later in another strong 4g area.
example, try firing up 4g, and go to, mine will load up fully but sometimes it just hangs at about 80% completed. same with m.espn in the bookmarks. It drags on for a while, then 4g turns off and 3g reappears. strange but in 3g, no issues whatsoever and its lightning fast so Im happy! lol.
Like I said, it could just be particular location so not ruling it out.
Last edited by Riley; 06-27-2011 at 05:11 PM.