Originally Posted by vogles
I was wondering if there was a "tutorial" of some kind that would teach me how to use my Arrive on Verizon Wireless. I'm a WP7 developer and I got my phone from Microsoft before the HTC Trophy was released. I prefer the WP7 over my stupid iPhone. I found a link in this thread to a process someone took, but I do not understand the vocabulary used.
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forums.
Although getting the Arrive on Verizon Wireless directly seems like a next to nothing chance because the ESN isn't already in the system you could call in with an ESN and see if it would work. I've not known of too many instances where a Sprint phone was able to get on Verizon through standard procedures.
I got mine on Verizon's towers by going through the back door so to speak via Page Plus and doing a little manual programming of the settings. I haven't gotten the data part working yet only because I haven't made the time to do it. Plenty of Wi-Fi to make the phone buzz right along