Originally Posted by wldthng842
What exactly are you hoping to gain. Did Sprint break any laws by refusing to offer you a service? What exactly are the FCC and the AG going to do? They only enforce laws. Any company reserves the right to refuse service to any one at any time for any reason. They chose not to offer it. End of story. Why is for them to know and disclose as they feel necessary. They are a public company. Your best shot at getting an answer is to own stock and contact the investor relations team. Tell them you own stock and have heard rumors. You want a simple explanation so you can make a decision to keep or sell the stock. Other than that a letter to the corporate HQ is not a bad alternative, but if this was a conscious decision made by upper management they will most likely send you some generic response. All you are doing is wasting the mail room clerks time at the FCC and AG. They cannot help you. Now if you can find a law that they broke then yes contacting them would suffice. The BBB isn't even accepting claims on this to the best of my knowledge.
I think the biggest issue is that when you pay for your unlimited data plans or you sign up for the new simply everything plans part of the monthly service charge is for picture messaging and, as far as i can recall, there is nothing that notes that PPCs are not exempt. Likewise, it's not that the phones or Windows Mobile does not support the feature, in fact it does but for some reason Sprint has chosen to disable it...