Thread: WiFi Teathering
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Old 06-23-2011, 10:54 PM
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WiFi Teathering

I just bouight the Charge and need to teather it to my home network WITHOUT using Windows Internet Sharing.

My previous phone was a HTC Imagio running Windows Mobile 6.5. I installed an app named Mobile WiFi Router which worked great. I was able to start the Moble WiFi Router app then on the WiFi menu select the name of my home WiFi (Belkin) router and my Internet worked on all computers on the network without any additional software. This all works as long as the home router is on the same network (192.168.1.x) network as the Movile WiFi router is.

Now I have the Charge, my first Driod phone and I can't seem to do the same setup. For some reason the Charge will not let me run the HotSpot app at the same time as the WiFi app. I have looked into some teathering apps but they want me to run software on my PC and the other systems on my network would not see the Internet.

Does anyone know if there is a way to set the Charge up to work just like my Imagio did? I don't mind payinbg for an app if it works as needed.
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