Originally Posted by scrosler
You know, I havent really used it much to underclock but I would like to know you results.
I did however overclock to 864 but my device froze alot so I left it at the kernel max point of 748. Also, I heard most people can get about 800'ish stable but have not had time to monkey with that either.
But please post any results you have.
One last thing, why did you decide to use ADB to install? Just curious? I always use a filemanager. I love FileExpert. Best there is!
I guess I used ADB because it's a tool I need to become familiar with. I used the one-click root but then didn't find a way to install Xionia without using ADB. I hadn't used it before so I downloaded the tools and read up a bit and then installed the recovery. After doing that, a simple install was cake.
I've always enjoyed a moment or two of command line interface as I have a better idea of what I'm doing.
Edit - SetCPU 787/245. A little bit quicker and no wakeup issues so far. Leaving it on "On Demand" and it snaps right to attention. 128 doesn't appear to be supported as it "grays out" if I select it.