Originally Posted by ppcgpirate
sigh.... the screen is NOT 1" bigger. both the evo 4g & evo 3d have the same diagonal screen size expect that the evo3d screen is a bit slimmer and taller. while i'm not going to defend engadget, I found their review to be more than reasonable (wasn't BS), it received 1 point less than the HTC sensation. I found it also reasonable that the reviewer docked points for a mediocre camera & worse battery life compared not to the iphone but to the HTC sensation & galaxy s2. It's perfectly reasonable for reviewers to dock points for features a phone has that do not work well.
you may look at the iphone 4 and say, that review got a 9/10. but so did the evo4g & atrix4g. those scores reflect phone technology at that time. if you compare the competition right now, the evo3d is going up against another android phone, the galaxy s2 which engadget gave a 9/10 (the sensation got an 8/10).
As I see it, you only want to read/watch positive reviews of things you like. if there's a negative review, you discredit the source as being biased even though review showed why the phone got a 7/10.
Read what I wrote again. I know those screens are the same. Reviewers often times compare every phone to the iphone. In this case, it was battery life, but they never mention that the screen is bigger.
Good point though, I am biased but I still think they gave this phone a bad score. Especially if you look around at other reviews on tech sites.