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Old 06-23-2011, 11:34 AM
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Re: [TESTING] .39 Kernel **NEW** 6/7/11

Originally Posted by xddy View Post
Thank you very much!

Update: one more question. I read through the FAQ for xdandroid project, it says

"there's an additional bug that is RHOD400/500 specific (worldphone in GSM mode only!!!) - if you are using a kernel after 1253 (aka 20110210_213850) the radio will shut off with the screen, causing missed calls, messages, etc. Stick to 1253 if you're using a RHOD400/500 worldphone as a GSM device until the issue is resolved. "

It seems the 20110210_213850 is kind of old. I'm using the sprint tp2, so, what is the newest kernel without this issue I should use ? Thanks.
Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
I don't know about for the .39 kernels, but I believe 1327 in the autobuild for .27 kernels may have a fix from HYC for 400/500 fixing that. I haven't tried it, but it might help.
For the record, emwe fixed it. Also yes, the newest .27 autobuild has this fix in it. I have no clue if this bug effects .39, but that reminds me... I need to update the FAQ!
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