Originally Posted by steveholtam
I figured out how to get my phone ring. Here is what I did:
1) Place an mp3 on your sd card
2) Using the "Music" app, find your mp3
3) Long press on the song and select "Use as phone ringtone"
That is it. Your mp3 will now be your ringer!
Please post your results to make sure it is not just my phone. This is of course using HYC's AWESOME files.
So I've been playing with this, trying to figure out what the catalyst or point of failure actually is.
At first, I thought after the first ring all rings after that would fail. On my second test, the phone did manage to ring in on the first and second calls, but the third and fourth calls failed on the ring.
So I employed your idea, and used the Music app to make an MP3 my ringer. I did this, and still no ringtone. I was able to listen to the song by going to Settings -> Sound -> Phone Ringtone and clicking on the ringer that was selected (indeed the MP3, and it played perfectly).
I think it's more complicated than you are making it out to be... I'd still like to figure out why this is happening, but it may be a pointless venture.