Originally Posted by kevmo1965
Shouldn't this be in the MikG Roms thread? Just asking.
yes it should ideally.
Originally Posted by dongatta
Yes it should. It is. No replies so I posted here. Seems to get more traffic
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
no worries. its not the end of the world
I assure you the rom thread/users will get you some good suggestions.
Originally Posted by john80hotkey
nope Im running mikG v2.0 on my evo and I have visual voicemail pre installed on mine already I have been getting my voicemails just fine been on his roms for about a week now
same here, visual voicemail works perfect on mik 2.0. Best course of action is to do a full wipe, then flash the rom. Also as amikam said, restoring certain data and apps can cause problems. Personally I dont use enough apps to justify backing them up. Each user is different but I always do a full wipe if recommended by the chef, then fire up 4g and download my apps again from the market in under 10 minutes. Good luck dongatta.