Originally Posted by tkedch
Are you implying me? Yes, my problem was at the end of any skype callls whether I end the call or the other party. Though I still don't know what the cause of it. I have tried your suggestion to start over with the data.img, but the same problem still persists.
Yes, you

. That is an odd one, I haven't tried a call to anyone else with Skype other than that test echo123 user or whatever. In fact I uninstalled the app, it was wreaking havoc on my setup....
My setup is also kinda custom. I'll try it again with a completely clean stock FRX06 here in a few.
Edit - my fault man... I just tried on a completely stock FRX06 setup, and it rebooted on me shortly after hitting end call! I guess that's what I get for testing on custom stuff

. So I'm thinking it's the new RIL that is resolving the issue, but I'm not positive. This issue will be resolved in FRX07, whatever the cause is. Sorry again for making you sound crazy, I need to keep a completely stock FRX06 around for testing stuff like this
