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Old 06-21-2011, 06:18 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
All the screenies are of 6.5.X. You are on 6.5 with start menu link on the top taskbar, right?
Yes Sharkie - I was on 6.5 - start menu link is on top LEFT.

@Steve0 - thank you very much for that link to that.

I think I messed up with the wallpaper setting - (in fact, I know I messed up)

I seem to have a problem now not being able to view my screen in "landscape mode" anymore - meaning if I switch it horizontally - it will stay as if I was holding it vertically.

It will switch to landscape only if I pull out the keyboard.

I went to "set wallpaper" from soft key menu > set wallpaper.
I removed the previous .png file and one of the black wallpapers that you both had given, and also tried a soft reset - still no change

I am provided 3 options in the "Home Tab"
* Portrait 480x800 (not set)
* Wide Portrait 960x800 (not set)
* Landscape 800x480 (not set)

CHT Lockscreen Portrait 480x800 : not set

All Tabs : Portrait : 480x800 (not set)
Landscape 800x480 (not set)

Which one should I be putting that jpeg wallpaper to?

Also :

In Start > settings > today > Theme (sharkie is selected) and there is a check box for "use this picture as the background" -
Do we put the same wallpaper jpeg file to that too?
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