Lockscreen weather 100% fast and smooth
Photo grid widget.. 100% fast and smooth
Gallery works 100% fast and load fast (over 400 pics)
photo frame.. fast and smooth
Music widget (HTC) all of then work on the home screen, album artwork works fast and smooth. (when app is open)
Music widget on lock screen while plying.. awesome .. smooth slick and animated
Weather widget works 100% great and sound.. sound on main screen (clock and weather) when open lock screen and when scrolling to the the weather widget itself (does animaition and sound) also work great fast smooth and sound (six locations) and it does open as soon i swype to check every different location
internet app stock and new one works great
internet works great and hot spot
yahoo, and hotmail works great on email accounts.
Gtalk works great and also video call on Gtalk works great for me
bluetooth working great (stereo handcet)
HTC HUB works great.. phone ring when locating it.. also can located on the map
maps work great as Gps.
YouTube works great.
front and rear cams works great
Camcorder works great and video playback works awesome
Gmail update as soon receive emails
text work great for me
MMS does attached pic and does work with Handcent app
Traffic widget (i have not idea what is for) still trying to figure that out
AWESOME BATTERY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what i found a little slow on scrolling
People widgets... all work great (little slow from the rest of the widgets on my end) but working
photo gallery widget.. work great.. little slow when swyping on my end.
friend stream widget works great for me.. little slow on the scrolling same as my people widget on my end
Dont know if this is an issue as i dont recall having syn my text and contacts with Kings rom on HTC HUB
they were syn when i was using MIKZ so as i will point .. dont know if this is an issue it has never been part of this rom
have no sound of the lockscreen weather but it sure does work awesome and pretty smooth (dont recall if it did have sound on r6.3 nor r7.0)
Install instuctions for monkeys!
Full wipe Always:
- Wipe data/factory reset
- Wipe cache
- Wipe Dalvik cache
- Flash KingsMOD format all zip
- Flash rom!
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________
amon ra 1.8.0 Recovery
- Download File
- Rename to PC36IMG (all caps)
- Place on root of sd card
- turn off phone
- Put into bootloader power button/vol down
- Bootloader will read the update
- Follow prompts yes & yes
- reboot phone!
- Remove file from sd or it will read the file over and over everytime you boot yur phone!
- Enjoy oldskool simple flawless recovery!
- Done flash away!
Download Link
Please support! Thanks!