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Old 06-20-2011, 10:40 PM
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Re: ★SharkieROM★6/4/11-Updated★Version 5.1★Generic\Sprint★29020\21916★Sense2021

So it's been a week or so since using the SharkieROM - there's still a lot I have no idea about - but I am still very pleased meaning it's 1000x better than the stock sprint Battery power is very good too.

1. How can I get the battery indicator to be displayed on the title bar? When I selected to have my clock displayed on all tabs, my battery indicator disappeared. I always have to tap in that area to visibly see the battery status notification. (I wanted BOTH the clock and battery to be shown like I see on some of the screenshots here).

2. CHT Editor Export Setting clarification: I exported a setting that I did to remove a level and take out the music player. In the event I have to ever reset back to Sharkie, the import of what I saved to the SD card will be how it was last exported/saved?

3. I wanted to see what this XDA UC is - I clicked on it, and a few minutes later some process started without me knowing what happened. Is this something that's now enabled/active on my phone as a system process? I googled quickly to see what this is, and apparently it is a utility that allows us to put cabs or software to another folder in the SD card to reinstall automatically during re-installing the ROM?

4. Was there a default dark "black" wallpaper or image that fits the TP2 display that I can use on all the tabs from Home through all the backgrounds when clicking on start? The blue default sharkie theme background is a little difficult to see. I was looking for something that had what the default stock sprint background - that solid black background on every tab/page of the phone.
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