Personally, I couldn't imagine not having insurance on my phone. While I haven't had much of an issue with my phones, insurance has saved me some repair fees. Probably not more than I have paid out though

. I have had two TP1s and two TP2s (technically three TP2s - repair guys gave me a broken one for a day while a fully functional one came through the mail), both had issues come up that were out of my control and not as a result of abuse, neglect, dropping etc. I am not neccessarily hard on my phones, but all of my previous phones have gone without cases and screen protectors etc. This time will be completely different. I have already ordered up some cheap temporary cases with screen protectors while I wait to decide between Sedio and Otterbox for my phone and something for my wife's.
Then on the other hand my wife abuses the hell out of her phone (samsung Moment), loses it all the time (but finds it through luck or sprint family locator lol), and has dropped it in water....all without insurance and it is going strong.
Really...all insurance is a scam (ok that's just my opinion...). I bet I will pay out more money to any one single insurance company than they will ever pay back out to me. And if I lose that bet...I bet you I won't lose that bet twice because I will never be insurable by anyone else again rofl. I guess it is just that whole "peace of mind" crap. I know with having insurance on my phone I have a lot less to worry about if it is stolen, lost, damaged, etc.
To each there own though.